Trauma Freedom Unlocked

Restorative healing. Radical empowerment.


No more dodging the triggers! We make them stop by identifying, supporting and healing the root cause with this 4-step method!

  • Have you been struggling with ongoing anxiety and/or depression?
  • Feeling drained by living for the approval of others?
  • Are you experiencing increased physical symptoms from intense daily stress?
  • Do you have a history of trauma stemming back from childhood that still feels so present?
  • Are you tired of dodging one trigger after another?
  • Maybe you even try supportive affirmations and consciously understand that you are safe, but you wish that your body and subconscious understood as well.
  • Are you exhausted from the constant “what if” reel that cycles your mind?   


If you’re finding yourself stuck in chronic fight or flight...

know that filling your day with regulation techniques in an attempt to calm down the trigger aftermath... isn’t the only way.


Chronic dysregulation points to “alarm bells” firing off in your subconscious, trying to protect you from past hurt repeating itself. 


If you want to stop the alarm bells from continuously turning on... turn the alarm off.



Think about it this way:

Imagine that a house is on fire... 

You wouldn't prioritize calming the smoke down, you would identify where the source was and put out the fire right? 


No fire, no more smoke.


Instead of prioritizing calming down the triggered aftermath, it's absolutely life changing to heal the root cause of the triggers and actually make the triggers stop!



This is possible for you!!

→ No more "what if" reel replaying in your mind!

→ No longer feeling weighed down by past hurts!

→ Maybe you've mastered dodging the triggers, but it's time to finally make the triggers stop!

→ Finally the freedom to enjoy life experiences without anxious thoughts and mind chatter getting in the way!

→ Finally a way to heal core wounds in a soothing, relaxing, empowering way!




What's inside? Receive INSTANT ACCESS to:

  • Seven powerful lesson trainings (value: $400)
  • Over 24 printable handouts and worksheets to help you implement healing tools that align with you (value: $150)
  • Resources, links and bonus activities to provide extra support (value: $97)
  • Guided breathwork audio before diving into a new module to encourage regulation (value: $150)
  • Guided Trauma Release audio that you can download and apply to each past core memory (value: $75)
  • Access wherever you go with the Kajabi app
  • Access to any and all future updates and added resources
  • EXCLUSIVE ONGOING ACCESS to 1:1 support and guidance through email and/or Voxer!  (value: PRICELESS!)


ALL YOURS today for $47!


What Students Are Saying:

I have been carrying the weight of a past trauma for 10+ years subconsciously and I finally was able to face it and find peace. Monique's method is truly incredible, forever grateful. Change can happen when you're ready. You deserve happiness and love!

I was able to handle a family situation over the weekend that would have severely triggered me in the past, this situation would have left me completely unglued. I instead felt confident advocating for myself and responding from an empowered state! I regulated afterwards to further support my nervous system just in case. I am so grateful for these tools, I feel so free.

I've been implementing this powerful work and it is life changing! This Trauma Release process is more effective than EMDR and you're not left feeling traumatized or raw. It's a really empowering process!

I have dealt with pain in my right shoulder and throat twitching for years. Both symptoms were tied to past trauma and are gone after this Trauma Release Method!

Monique's Trauma Release Method has taught me how to get to the root of my traumas. I have done years and years and spent a lot of money in talk therapy, which has taught me coping mechanisms, but talking about these traumas over and over again would essentially just re traumatize me. But this technique is completely different because it teaches you how to address the root of that trauma memory in a regulated state which helps it become an empowered memory!

$47.00 USD

All information, content, and material included in this healing course is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease, condition or other physical or mental ailment of the human body.  The information in this course is not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment from your doctor or healthcare provider.