Say hello to your next level.

Heal The Root Reboot

Restorative healing. Radical empowerment.


When you incorporate the 7 pillars of health, the body heals!

This transformative 30 day program includes:

  • Detailed wellness questionnaire
  • Individualized roadmap to healing
  • Guidance and private coaching support through private messaging app
  • Instant access to Heal The Root: The Course
  • Instant access to guided release audio recordings
  •  Step by step guidance and support as we apply the 7 pillars of health, incorporate replenishing nourishment, support detox pathways, create a healing environment, learn how to address and heal triggers, learn how to better understand the body’s language and more! We cover it all as we support our body and mind with a restorative healing reboot!

Investment: $247


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