Trauma Release Session


Tired of the "what if" worry reel playing on repeat in your mind?

Exhausted from dodging daily triggers and dealing with the full body overwhelm that they bring?

Ready to heal the root and make the triggers stop?



Transform your life with this soothing and empowering guided trauma release technique! 



"What is this technique like? What can I expect?":

We first help the body and nervous system relax into deep regulation, then "update" the core trauma memory with this 4-step trauma release method.  

Many describe these sessions as "an incredibly relaxing and empowering guided breathwork session"! 



What they are saying:

"Monique's Trauma Release Method has taught me how to get to the root of my traumas. I have done years and years and spent a lot of money in talk therapy, which has taught me coping mechanisms, but talking about these traumas over and over again would essentially just re traumatize me. But this technique is completely different because it teaches you how to address the root of that trauma memory in a regulated state which helps it become an empowered memory!" 


"I've been implementing this powerful work and it is life changing! This Trauma Release process is more effective than EMDR and you're NOT left feeling traumatized or raw. It's a really empowering process!" 


"I was able to handle a family situation over the weekend that would have severely triggered me in the past, this situation would have left me completely unglued. I instead felt confident advocating for myself and responding from an empowered state! I regulated afterwards to further support my nervous system just in case. I am so grateful. I feel so free."


"I have dealt with pain in my right shoulder and throat twitching for years. Both symptoms were tied to past trauma and are gone after this trauma release technique!"


Ready to transform your life with this soothing and empowering guided trauma release technique?!



The Details👇🏼

  • Complete an in-depth wellness questionnaire to help identify your unique root causes.
  • Receive a timeline activity to complete in preparation for our session.
  • During our 1 hour session (via Zoom) you can get cozy in the comfort of your own home as you are guided through this soothing and deeply relaxing customized trauma release technique.  
  • Includes ongoing private coaching support!


Investment: $250