private coaching

09. "Best Nutrition" Toxicity

There is a major toxic tug of war going on in the wellness community right now over "which diet is the best" for everyone.  This discussion has gotten to the point of shaming others who don't eat a certain way and invalidating healing accomplishments if healing didn't occur using the diet of choice... and I've had enough of it!  So I grabbed my microphone and recorded a very impromptu episode because this is an important elephant in the room that we need to address!

01:45- How I choose to eat
03:00- So what's pissing me off?
03:55- Red flags
05:28- Every body is unique in what works for them
05:42- My personal experience with food and healing
07:33- Our children and intuitive freedom eating
08:47- Intuitive freedom eating
09:48- Important nutrition tips
10:26- What sparked me to record this episode
11:15- My message to those participating in this toxicity
12:06- Guard your heart, listen to your body, embrace what works the best for you!


About your host:
Monique Hessler personally experienced chronic illness for over 12 years and healed naturally, freeing herself from the diseases and lengthy list of full body debilitating symptoms that she once suffered with daily.  Monique is a certified Integrative Health Practitioner specializing in chronic illness and nervous system healing.  She uses her personal experience plus education in holistic wellness, nutrition, nervous system regulation, psychology and energy medicine to help others identify their root cause of dysregulation.  Guiding them in healing naturally, trusting their body again and finally getting back to truly living their life.






All information and content included in this episode and podcast is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease, condition or other physical or mental ailment of the human body.

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