private coaching

13. Lea Peterson- Beauty discovered in the unknown of the preconception phase

Lea Peterson is a brilliantly talented photographer and host of the Wise Women Diaries Podcast, which shares women's stories of growth, especially through motherhood and birth.  Today she is sharing her experience with her 8 year preconception phase journey, the lessons learned through facing the discomfort of the unknown, identifying and transitioning out of victimhood, and the abundant beauty that has come from trusting in the preconception phase.  Wow this conversation was incredibly powerful, I am so excited to share it with you!

00:20- Meet Lea

03:30- "The preconception phase" vs using the label "Infertility"

06:10- Lea shares her experience with the preconception phase and life lessons learned

11:55- Ego's desire to control.  Can you let go and trust when faced with not getting what you want?

15:33- Facing and addressing the root of preconception anxiety and how it shows up in pregnancy, birth, parenthood and beyond if not addressed

17:30- External situations don't promise internal peace

21:10- "Infertility" and victimhood 

30:44- Protecting your mindset in the preconception phase

34:10- The two week wait and allowing yourself to feel the hope and joy despite what the outcome could be

38:32- Stepping into embracing joy despite your circumstances

44:13- Definition of miracles and the possibilities that the preconception phase can bring you

45:55- Knowing what is best for us vs what God knows is best for us. What is the action of trust?

50:22- Living in a world of instant gratification and the challenge to embrace the safety and joy felt in stillness. The importance of soaking up the life and blessings that are happening right in front of you despite your circumstances. 

Connect with Lea:

INSTAGRAM: @vienna_glenn and @wise_women_diaries
PODCAST:  Wise Women Diaries

Connect with Monique:




All information and content included in this episode and podcast is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease, condition or other physical or mental ailment of the human body.

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